What’s your baby doing at 6-7 months

What’s your baby doing at 6-7 months?

Six months is a milestone in your baby’s development and it’s a good point to sit back and look at how far you’ve both come. Well done you!


Ready, steady, go

From sitting up on their own to starting to crawl, your little one is suddenly much more independent. And once your baby is on the move it’s amazing how quickly they can crawl from one side of the room to the other, so you might need to think about baby proofing the home to stop them getting into mischief. If your baby hasn’t started to crawl yet, don’t panic as some babies skip this stage altogether, while others will come up with their own way to move around, from shuffling on their bottoms to commando crawling along the floor.

 Motor skills

Your baby will love how many things they can now do with their fingers and hands. As their motor skills improve you’ll notice they can pick up smaller objects accurately, pinching them between their fingers in a pincer grip. They might be able to pass something from one hand to the other or reach out to grab a toy they want. They’ll also enjoy banging objects together, especially when they realize just how much noise they can make – time to invest in some earplugs!

Separation anxiety

One minute your baby is happy to sit and play while you pop to the loo, the next they start to cry inconsolably when you leave the room. Although it can be alarming to witness, it’s a totally natural reaction and is caused by your baby becoming aware that you’ve gone, and not knowing if you’re coming back. The best way to handle this is by giving lots of reassurance and not to give up – there will be times you need to leave your little one, so they have to get used to knowing you sometimes leave, but that you will always come back.

How are you feeling?

By now you should hopefully be starting to feel more confident about motherhood. However, although some anxieties will have passed, with each new phase there are bound to be different things to worry about. From how to wean successfully to coping with a grumpy, teething baby, there is still so much to learn. Make sure you talk through any concerns and try to see each challenge as just a transitional phase.




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