Now that your little one isofficially a toddler, he's onthe go nonstop.
Baby Food Stages
Super Chuncky 9 -11months
Suddenly, baby will be more interested in becoming an active participant at meal times. Physically, she's ready for thicker, chunkier foods.
Making Strides
NOW that baby is between 9 and 11 months, you may notice that her appetite is growing and that she’s eating more solid foods.
Finger Foods
For the first half-year (and then some) of her life, your baby is most likely happy for you to feed her when she eats. That may start to change around the age of 9 months.
A feast For the Senses
When your baby eats, the taste is only part of the experience. Now that she's experimenting with finger foods, she'll become more interested in the way her food feels in her hands, its color, and its aroma.
7-8 Months Creamy Combos
Now that baby has had plenty of practice with simple,single-ingredient foods, he's ready to advance tomore complex flavours and textures.
Your Baby’s First Bites
Offering baby homemade, wholesome foods ensures that his/her first experience with table foods will be packed with both nutrition and flavor.
Baby's First Meals
Around the age of 6months, your baby will probably be ready to start trying solid foods. At first, baby's meals will be more about learning how to eat than actually eating much food. In fact, at this stage, she's still getting most of her nutrition from breast milk or formula and is nursing or getting a bottle least5-3times a day
Super Baby Foods
Right now, baby's tiny tummy can't hold a lot of food, so every bite he takes counts.
New Textures and Flavors
Allspice, cardamom, cinnamon, cumin, curry powder (mild), fennel, garlic powder, ginger, nutmeg, sweet paprika, turmeric, vanilla bean.