Choosing the Right Stroller for Your Baby

You have decided to take your baby outside for a walk for the first time. So how do you know which stroller is the right type to use? With so many different options and models available both online and in stores, choosing the right baby stroller can be quite challenging.


Al Nahdi Pharmacy helps you choose the right stroller to keep your baby safe on the go with these handy guidelines and tips:


1. Stick to the Basics – Start your stroller search with the basics in mind to identify the type of stroller that will best suit your needs as well as that of your baby’s. Consider your travel routines, your outdoor activities during a casual stroll or long walks, use on public transportation, and the kind of surface and landscape you are taking your baby stroller on.


2. Wheels, Brake and Suspension – Pick a stroller with all-terrain wheels or one that has front swivel wheel which allows you to swivel, steer and handle the stroller easily while strolling, even on rough pavements and sandy terrain. Make sure to check if the wheels are air-filled, large, and rugged with a good rear wheel suspension system to absorb any bumps and obstacles on the way for a smoother ride.


3. Size, Weight & Portability – Look for convenience and compactness in a convertible or, in other words, combination stroller. A convertible stroller has two upsides: firstly, it helps you move your baby around with the easy car-to-stroller transfer feature; secondly, it acts as a car seat that is lightweight, sturdy, and easily foldable for a smoother car ride.


4. Adjustable Multi-point Harness – A multi-point harness is a universal baby/child restraining safety belt (which is a practical safety strap for kids) to help make them safe in a car booster seat while on the go, or baby chair at home. Look out for a stroller with a padded seat that is easily reversible with multiple recline positions and is equipped with a five-point harness system to keep your baby safe and secure while on a stroll.


5. Handlebar height Adjustability – Choose a stroller with an adjustable handlebar that can be used comfortably over time by different-sized people in the family, particularly for parents with varying heights. Also, opt for a straight handlebar that makes navigating easier.


6. Stroller Storage Space – The storage space within a stroller must meet your lifestyle needs and your baby’s on-the-go needs. Opt for a stroller that has enough storage space for diapers, diaper bag, blankets, pillows, purse, and other baby essentials.


7. Sunshade & Weather Protection Cover – A big adjustable canopy, umbrella, or rain cover that protects your baby from the sun, wind and rain is an ideal choice. Make sure the cover is made of a breathable fabric so that it keeps your baby cool.


8. Stroller Accessories – Select a stroller that has a majority of features that keep your baby safe and comfortable yet is fashionable and stylish. There are strollers that can accommodate two or three children at the same time, come with an easy-to-grip, padded push handle to push the stroller while you hold your baby, mobile device holder and car seat adapter, extra storage compartment with detachable cup holder, a stroller organizer, a universal buggy board for older children to ride along.


Make sure to check out Al Nahdi Pharmacy online for a range of baby strollers, universally compatible stroller accessories and travel systems for babies and toddlers on the go.


Shop The Range of Baby Strollers
