Your ice-cube tray is about to become your new best friend!
When your little one is weaning, making your own homemade purées is a great way to ensure you know exactly what they’re eating. But babies only eat a little at a time, so the chances are you’ll be making a lot more than one portion per batch. Here’s how to store and serve the leftovers safely:
- Leave the leftover purée to cool (no longer than 1-2 hours, otherwise bacteria will start to grow), then spoon into an airtight container
- Fruit- and veg-based purées can last three days in the fridge, while purées containing meat, fish or dairy should only be kept for 24 hours
- It can be a good idea to split leftovers, putting some in the fridge for the next few days, and the rest in the freezer
- Invest in an ice tray and divide your purée into the compartments for handy baby-sized portions
- Cover the tray with clingfilm, put in the freezer and leave to freeze completely
- Once frozen, pop the cubes out of the tray and transfer into freezer bags labeled with the type of purée and the date, so you can easily keep track
- Fruit- and veg-based purées will last up to three months in the freezer, while meat- and grain-based recipes last two months
You can defrost frozen purées in one of three ways:
- Microwave – remove cube portions (two is usually a good serving size). Place in a microwave-friendly container and heat for 20 seconds. Remove and stir. Repeat until the purée is heated through, then test the temperature before feeding to your baby
- Hob – place cubes into a small saucepan over a medium-low heat, stirring occasionally until thawed and warmed through, then cool to the desired temperature
- Fridge – move the frozen cubes into an airtight container and place in the fridge. This method takes the longest time (12-16 hours), but it’s the least effort if you remember to take the purée out of the freezer the day before. Heat to the desired temperature before serving (if required)
TIP: remember, never refreeze a purée after it’s been thawed!