Hello, baby! As your little one becomes more alert during the day, you’ll soon start to see their personality emerge. And that’s when the fun really begins.
It’s now time to help your baby learn the difference between night and day and try the four ‘b’s: bath, breastfeed, book, bed. Doing these four things at the same time every night will help your baby learn the signals that it’s time to sleep. As soon as you establish this routine, you can start to get your own evenings back – if only for a few hours.
As your baby becomes more active during the day, they should also start to sleep for longer in the night. Don’t get too excited though: most babies at this age will still need to be fed during the night, but the time between feeds will hopefully be getting longer.
As well as crying, your baby should now be able to make other noises to communicate with you. From gurgles and babbles to squealing and cooing, there will be a whole range of sounds coming out of their mouths. The more you talk to them, the more they’ll respond – it doesn’t matter what you say, they’ll just love listening to the sound of your voice!
Say cheese
Now your baby has mastered the art of smiling and seen the response it gets, be prepared for lots of repeat performances. By four months they might even be able to laugh and giggle too. It doesn’t take much to make them grin, so have the camera ready to capture every moment.
Physical development
By four months your baby’s neck muscles should be strong enough to hold their head up steadily. When on their tummy, they can now lift their head off the floor and hold for a few seconds. Your baby’s legs are also getting stronger and when being held up they might be able to bear weight on their legs – cue lots of bouncing and kicking.
Mommy time
By now, you’re probably getting used to your little one’s routine, but it’s likely you’ll still be feeling tired and emotional. That’s why it’s important to try and grab some time for yourself, even if that’s having a relaxing bath or eating a meal without your little one attached to your hip. As your baby spends a lot of time sleeping, you can tuck them up in the stroller and get out to see friends pretty regularly. Enjoy it while it lasts, as very soon, they’ll be up and about and not so happy to doze in cafés!